Wednesday, 5 November 2008

remember remember

walking back from the fireworks on Streatham common...
we are sorcorers - we capture the lights and put them in our lanterns, on our cars, in the trees; we hang them on posts

I start the day with an intention
I end it with thanks
with my body I say yes
with my heart
and lead me to my people

"It's when we dare to reveal the truth that we unwittingly give everyone else permission to do the same. To be here, present, vulnerable and authentic. We're on a mission to make self-reflection hip for just a moment, just long enough to save us. If we can all collectively acknowledge our insanity, shrug and roll our eyes at each other at how nuts it is being a human, let alone having to pretend every day that we're 'normal'. The amount of energy we'll inherit that has been wasted on the mask will be enough to creatively solve any global crisis." The Manifesto -

The key:

Whatever situation I'm in there is a part of me that is ok with everything, accepts it, tenderly, that is always ok with it. Otherwise I wouldn't be here.
Find that part of me, and I'm there.

The ever finer and finer inner. Not something obvious and flashy. Not visions and lights. The being that very constantly and perfectly is there.

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