Thursday 15 January 2009


For ages I have been struggling with the question of - how do I get myself out of bed in the morning (without forcing myself)? How can I get myself to wake - naturally - with a feeling of excitement and energy, ready to walk into the day. As if the day were something worth walking into.

This morning I realised the question was more acute than ever: what could compete with lying here in bed, my body completely relaxed, the pure physical enjoyment of rest, and the desire to continue it indefinitely? Is that laziness? Am I over-attached to the feeling? because right now I cannot think of anything - anything - that could compete with that feeling. Creativity, breakfast, high velocity sports. Possibly I would actually need some competing influence there to get me out of bed, right there in my house: the competitive energy of other people eating my breakfast; a beautiful woman; loud music - even then I'm not sure. I can't contrive that for myself

Maybe I am over-attached to the pleasure of sleep. Maybe I fear it being taken away, or that I haven't had enough. If that's true then there is perhaps one way out - to fully and lovingly relish the every sensation of sleeping in, so that I am completely satisfied. Is it possible? To become competely satisfied? Osho once said that if you do something with full consciousness, you can then leave it behind.

I think he was talking about sex. But is there any difference?

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